Okamoto Keito Love

Rules & Restrictions

To make this site a happy place to be, and because Hey! Say! JUMP have fans of all ages and backgrounds there are just a few simple rules and restrictions we ask all of you lovely Keito fans to follow to make this a wonderful experience for everyone–including Keito himself if he ever visits us!

Please DO NOT:

  • Abuse profanity. We would rather not issue a series of specific rules because we don’t want to inhibit your expression–however, we would ask that you use any profanity or less than ‘in front of Mom’ language sparingly and only if necessary to convey your feelings accurately.
  • Use this website to speak specifically to or about other Idols, whether from JUMP or not.
  • Use this website to express your displeasure toward Keito, JUMP, or Johnny’s. This page exists for the sole purpose of spreading the love we have for Keito with others, not for any negative purpose.
  • Use any kind of sexually explicit language or descriptions.
  • Refer to ‘ships’ within the group in your message, this isn’t the place for that.

Lastly, Bullying, harassment, or any kind of disrespect toward other community members or personalities will not be tolerated.

Please DO:

  • Feel free to speak about other members of JUMP or Johnny’s in relation to Keito.
  • Express yourself as if you are speaking directly to Keito.
  • Feel free to return and send more than one message!
  • Keep Keito as the primary focus of your message. We will allow references to other members in relation to Keito, but please do not use this as a platform to message other members.
  • Upload an amazing image to showcase your message to Keito!
  • Submit good reports about Keito.
  • HAVE FUN! Share your love of Keito!

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